Did Baker Mayfield Call Out His Teammates?

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Did Baker Mayfield Call Out His Teammates?

Let’s not sugarcoat it. The Bucs should be in desperation mode for the rest of their season, regardless of playing a one-win Panthers this weekend. Tampa Bay is reeling having lost six of their last seven games, including their last two. The loss against the Colts last Sunday prompted quarterback Baker Mayfield to share some of his feelings in a moment of frustration into what the group’s mentality should be moving ahead. “Until everybody gets pissed off enough to get it fixed, there will be no change,” Baker Mayfield said. “I’ll get my job fixed and try and drag as many people [as possible] along as well.” Baker Mayfield Clarifies His Comments So … is Baker Mayfield calling his teammates out? He expanded on his comments during Wednesday’s media session. The bottom line is that if the players don’t act like every game is a playoff game, they won’t be able to reach their goals for the season. ImageBucs QB Baker Mayfield – Photo by: USA Today “For me, my mindset right now – and it should be for the whole team – is we’re in a playoff-mode mentality,” Baker Mayfield said. “We have to take care of business each week to move on and to get to where we want to go. It’s a matter of we don’t really have a lot of room [for error], there’s no slack. We have to pick up the pace. We have to have a sense of urgency about it. I think now everybody realizes what is at stake. We have to win out. “We have to win these division games to get to where we want to go and to get into the playoffs. It’s a sense of urgency. It’s a matter of guys doing all the treatment and getting everything we need to get done. Young guys stepping up and realizing that they’re going to play a pivotal role in this final season push that we have. Everybody just has to be on board.” Mayfield also clarified that he’s not calling anybody out specifically. What’s Causing These Mistakes? The Bucs offense over the last month has been a unit that has shown flashes of brilliance. There’s inspiring hope week in and week out of what the offense can be when the players put everything together. But at the same time, costly mistakes of penalties, dropped balls and poor execution more derailed them from big moments. Sunday’s game against the Colts was no different. Aaron Stinnie’s false start penalty on the first drive, albeit a bad call by the ref, caused a second-and-goal from a yard out to be a field goal. A drop by Trey Palmer on a second-and-17 in the third quarter that would’ve given the Bucs a first down and put them into field goal range. Instead of three points the drive ended with a punt. ImageBucs QB Baker Mayfield – Photo by: Cliff Welch/PR And then with the game on the line looking to tie it up, an illegal shift penalty that gave the Bucs a first down at the two-minute warning was backed up. Instead of having a fresh set of downs with three timeouts at midfield, the Bucs had to worry about getting the first down before they could rack up more yards to score. What ensued was two more plays and the game ending on a strip=sack. Mistakes like this have gone on each week. It’s gotten to the point of questioning whether players need to be held accountable for what’s going on or if the offense simply requires more focus. “A little bit of both,” Baker Mayfield said. “There [are] some penalties here and there that are hurting us. Obviously, the first drive we were moving it pretty well and then I [went] down and we had the penalty to back us up off the goal line. It’s just things like that. “Was that really a false start? No, but it’s just little things that can change the drive and the momentum. You just have to be locked in at all times. It’s that reset-button mentality. Good or bad play, you’ve got to play the next one and your focus has to be there 100%.” Bucs Need To Have A Greater Sense Of Urgency Typically a game like this against Carolina would be one where many think that the Bucs should steamroll the Panthers without any issues. But considering their recent woes and the fact that they’ve lost very winnable games against the Falcons, Texans and Colts, nothing is guaranteed. “Obviously, it’s not what we had planned,” Baker Mayfield said of their place in the standings. “But at a certain point, just look in the mirror – get your job fixed and try and elevate everyone else around you. There is no secret recipe besides doing your job at the highest level possible each game.” The post Did Baker Mayfield Call Out His Teammates? appeared first on Pewter Report.

Source: https://www.pewterreport.com/baker-mayf ... teammates/
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