How Would You Deploy a 12th Man?

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How Would You Deploy a 12th Man?

 A fun prompt from the internet provides, if you gave the worst team in the league an extra man on defense, what would you do with it?  And how would things be impacted? First, impact- an extra man would completely dominate, in any level of rules.  Barbershop talk constantly over-values the idea of a double-team in practice when, in execution, defenses rarely intend on just outright doubling a WR, but - there's a lot to scheme that situationally relies upon whether a defenses is 'up' or back' - teams can essentially be built on whether the SS is an overhang LB or whether they're two-deep.  And this allows you to do both.   Further the RPO game is predicated on numbers in the box deciding where the ball goes - 100% broken now.  You can be 2-deep and have a box safety?
BUT. Three deep safeties might not be 'it'.  If the answer were, you have to do one thing all the time, that's one option, but I'm so drawn to the 5-1, Belichick response to the McVay 11 personnel outside zone stuff that I truly appreciate what a DL on every OL could do to the game.  Being 5-1 and also having 6 DBs?  Outside Zone, there's no gap there; there's no ability to double and scrape to the LB, if all the gaps are covered.   If the counter to it is 2TE, cool, big on big, you still have to get to the corner faster than DBs that are basically already there. Now the prompt falls in "defense wasn't the problem in Carolina" territory.  But, adding an extra offensive player is fully broken, even though it wouldn't come with an extra player eligible.  Granted, yes for 2023 Carolina "eligible" and "open" aren't mutually inclusive.   A full-time 6th OL that doesn't take away from your eligibles would fully change a game where the opponent is down a player. 
But either idea also comes with, how important is strategy of such a thing for the position adder?   Most teams inevitably start from 'starters' adding in key players like situational rushers, nickel DBs.  If you truly had extra mobility, does a 3rd safety mean rostering three starting-level safeties? Does an extra possible DL mean having the need for an extra starting level player? Or is the mismatch so much that you gain the benefit the same from, say, Sam Franklin almost as much as if it were Jeremy Chinn?   Does it matter whether you have Julius Peppers if you have a straight-up numbers advantage?   And when you inevitably improve either way, when and how would said advantage get taken back away by the league? 

Fully lives in the world of fantasy, a spot I don't that often reside - I kinda like to dream of things being the way I think they should be, or realistic versions of that, although I'm sure some people find dragons and aliens more plausible than a functional football team right now, and to that, fair enough I suppose.  Would also be fun to make an Alabama v/s Directional Missouri State game a lot more fun, too. 

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