No Primetime Games

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No Primetime Games

 A lot of manufactured disrespect for the lack of Monday, Thursday night games in the Panthers' 2024 season. Problem is, that's a good thing.  Who hasn't suffered through portions of a mandatory Thursday night game between the two bottom dwellers of the AFC South?  Best case scenario is, you get a few funny crowd reactions from a Jags fan.   Selfishly, I like 1pm Sunday games. As I age, I don't know that I can take a Monday night game of adrenaline, and it not fuck up my Tuesday.   Maybe for v/s Pats in 2013, a good game like that, but even then, the next day comes and you're expected to go be a functioning adult.   I have manufacturing concerns in Southeast Asia that need answers, they don't care if we won or lost. I don't know what to tell you if you're dying for representation, or national coverage.  I'd as likely hope they forget us until they need to remember. 

There are some interesting bits in the schedule, I suppose.   It's nice to end against Atlanta instead of the more usual Tampa or New Orleans.   But a lot of it - I guess it makes things more tangible for prognosticators when you put these things in order but, the opponents and locations haven't changed and there aren't many sore thumbs (no @ Green Bay in December, and we already knew about the west coast stuff - @ Raiders is a new location, but that's about it). KC after the bye can be an advantage (but I mean, it's a 2-14 team against a double defending champion), a fairly centrally located bye.   The hard part is, everything you know about these teams is regressive information, Carolina included.   By week 14, what Eagles team are you getting?   Last year, by week 14, people treated them very differently than week 2.   Granted, week to week I don't always prognosticate well and don't try to be great at it, seems like a fool's errand, but how I feel about, say, v/s Philly will be much more heavily informed by what happens between then and now, not now. Football's too much a game of recency bias, not exactly breaking news.   What that will mean for next year, unlikely to matter too much.   Now, if that fuels some form of resurgence, great, but, generally speaking I think the team has more to worry about than whether a 2-win team is being disrespected. 

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